

Test4practice is one of the best websites famous for its excellent services and outstanding products. All our efforts are to provide you exceptional quality study products planned and designed to build up better understanding of actual exams that candidates have to face. For our valued customer’s satisfaction, we strongly recommend “demo” trial of every product before purchase. We provide each demo “free of cost” to ensure you of what you are purchasing.

For the purpose of amplifying the buyer’s confidence and trust we offer “Exam Passing Assurance” with each of our product. If you prepare from our product and exam get changed then we will work to get new questions and provide you latest file. OR you can also get replacement with any other exam.

Nevertheless it should be kept in mind that this “Guarantee” is to ensure the accuracy and faultlessness of Test4practice’s products. We deliver what we claimed and what is promised to our customers. But it is understandable and clear that Test4practice is not responsible for the blunders and errors committed by the candidates, for example missing attempt of exam by the candidate or missing questions in the actual exam. Therefore, for our safe side and to avoid falsified money back claims and render our services to our loyal customer with perfection we have formed a refund policy in this regard. For our customers and visitors best interest, we are here to share the refund policy clearly and openly: How to get Refund?

Test4practice’s “Replacement Exam Dumps” is very simple to follow and we will require the following information and documents from you:

1. Send us scanned copy of "enrollment slip" in certification exam i.e. we have to know that when you got register for the exam.
2. Send us Scanned copy of your Result/Score Report.
3. Order number of product purchased from us.
4. Name and Payment method
5. For replacement, our email is:

Our team will review it and provide you alternate exam access within 3 days.

Exam Replacement Policy:

In order to avoid scammers has created a Policy so that, we continue this “Replacement Guarantee” for loyal customers.

Following are the some of the main points of this policy which we do want to make sure:

1. Candidate must be prepared for the examination and spent at least 7 days studying our materials.
2. Candidate didn't miss the exam due to personal problems.
3. You have bought the product from us within last 90 days.
4. Guarantee does not apply to "non-proctored" exams i.e. exams available online without a proctor.
5. Our Guarantee Policy is not applicable to Avaya, HPE, CISSP, PMI, Cloudera, Riverbed, SAP, CCIE and SSCP exams.
6. Guarantee policy is not applicable for retired exam. (For customers who use our current product to attend the exam which is already retired.)